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3D Technology for Home Build/Design

1-99 13th Ave, Carmel, CA, 93923, United States.

One of our Core Values is to Innovate. In that effort we are now utilizing Matterport 3D camera technology in house to design and market our work.

Take a virtual tour…from the comfort of your own home! Using the arrow keys on your desktop or by tapping and dragging on your mobile device you can virtually walk through a space.

Click on the photo above and look around!

The scans we produce also allows our design team to take measurements of anything with 99% accuracy and revisit the space as many times as they like without inconveniencing the home owner. We will be utilizing this technology at the beginning and end of every project. Imagine walking through a home before and after!

Screen Shot 2019-05-20 at 11.32.47 AM.png

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