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Construction during COVID

When the shelter-in-place order went into effect, companies dedicated to building and improving shelters were shut down, mid-hammer swing. But, for Production Manager Blake Stocker, the work didn’t stop there. He and his crew turned their attention to developing the new protocol and procedures that would be required to restart their construction projects.


“A lot of clients had their own ideas of what would make them feel safe and secure as we resumed work in their homes,” Stocker said. “We had our own strict guidelines to follow, but we also needed to listen to what would make people feel at home with us on site. We’ve been on a steep but essential learning curve to figure out that balance.”

Everyone on the job must wear a mask at all times, which can be cumbersome during labor-intensive work. Signs are posted at each job site to remind crew what protocols to follow, including adhering to a social distance while working together.

“It isn’t easy,” said Stocker, “but at least our crew is used to wearing masks and glasses as a safety measure. If only the masks didn’t cause the glasses to fog up.”

Lately, Lewis Builders has received an influx of new construction projects, which Stocker attributes to people becoming accustomed to staying at home.

“People are evaluating how they live in their homes,” he said. “They’re also getting used to working from home and are looking for ways to reconfigure their spaces to accommodate home offices.”

By Lisa Crawford Watson for the Monterey Herald

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