When you think of wallpaper what comes to mind? Has wallpaper made a comeback!? Could you see wallpaper in your home? If so, what space? Let’s ask our expert Cari and get the scoop.
Over the last few years there has been a re-emergence, definitely not your grandmother’s wallpaper, it’s a re-emergence of that material and how it’s used in design. It’s very versatile and how it can be used in many different rooms, formal, casual, fun, bold, it can be as subtle as having just a texture; creamy white texture, Or it can have a bold big pattern. It’s a fun thing to use.
What has contributed to that resurgence?
In the design world, there’s a lot of grace with experimentation, when a designer is feeling out a room they are drawn to fill in something that brings rooms together, wallpaper can be THE thing. It gives designers room to experiment and to have fun with other designs. The manufacturing of wallpaper has made it easier in terms of palette, natural wallpaper and better materials to produce the product itself.
What are some favorite patterns of yours?
I’m drawn to the subtleness of wallpaper, more the texture of it, so it softens the room, it’s complimentary to other material you’re putting in. It’s a little compliment, vs look at me.
It’s not the punch for me, I want it to work and compliment the room, not steal attention, but play nice. It’s funny because my personality is like that too.
It’s like people, there is no right or wrong way to be, every wallpaper has its place in a design. YES, you have your place in a specific design, in a specific room.
Is using wallpaper more sustainable?
Yes, a lot of eco based companies produce sustainable wallpaper in recycled material pre and post consumer content. The adhesive has lower VOC (volatile organic compound.) Similar to paint… emitted into air and causes indoor air pollution, that’s an important factor that you’re putting in that space because you’re putting a permanent staple in the room.
By Justine Geisler & Cari Hill