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We have the technology.


How do you keep moving, keep clients satisfied, keep employees working (and getting paid) during a pandemic?

Shelter being an essential service in Monterey County we’ve been able to continue working safely on a few projects that allow for social distancing or require full PPE (personal protection equipment, lead and asbestos removal). 

For other tasks we’ve turned to one of our very good friends technology.


Matterport for inspections!

Matterport allows our inspectors to visit sites virtually to verify and sign off on completed work…from the convenience of their home or office! 

These showcases are something we are already creating to document our projects and remote inspections are now added the increasing list of benefits.

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Virtual meetings

Team collaboration continues using Zoom meeting and this includes getting permits remotely! 

This will allow us to start projects immediately when state and local orders are lifted.


Client design projects continue with 3D renderings

Again using Zoom meeting we continue to have initial and ongoing design consults offering 3D virtual design renderings that can be shared electronically.

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